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Ratting (Remote Administration Tool) [Hack Someones Computer]

 This Tutorial is "STRICTLY" for "EDUCATIONAL" purpose only. 
Don't Misuse It. 

A remote access tool (a RAT) is a piece of software that allows a remote "operator" to control a system as if he has physical access to that system. While desktop sharing and remote administration have many legal uses, "RAT" software is usually associated with criminal or malicious activity. Malicious RAT software is typically installed without the victims knowledge, often as payload of a Trojan horse, and will try to hide its operation from the victim and from security software.
The operator controls the RAT through a network connection. Such tools provide an operator the following capabilities:
  • Screen/camera capture or image control
  • File management (download/upload/execute/etc.)
  • Shell control (from command prompt)
  • Computer control (power off/on/log off if remote feature is supported)
  • Registry management (query/add/delete/modify)
  • Other software product-specific functions

A diagram is shown below which illustrates the remote administrator as the "client" connected to multiple "server" computers that are performing various functions:

Func   Func
   \    /    Func    Func
    [SERVER]   \    /
       |    [SERVER]
       |      /
       |     /
       |    /   Func    Func
       |   /      \     /

Source: Wikipedia 

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How to Setup Any RAT
I'll Not Provide Any Picture coz this TUT is only for educational purpose so if you are enoughgenious than you will understand it.........

It is short but powerful tutorial for setting up any RAT (Remote Administrator Tool). If you know how RAT’s work you can configure it easily

Important Thing = If Your ISP is Blocking Ports and you don't have any "Router" or "Paid VPN" and you can't Open Your Port In Any Way. THAN FORGOT IT.  
(You can contact me maybe I can help you.)

Basic Things (How's RAT Work)

1. When you create a Server file with any RAT you fill there a IP/Host address with a unique Port Number.
2. When Server runs on victim pc it’s create connection with the IP address on that unique Port Number witch you use to create Server.
3. Finally you can Control your victim PC

Everything is looking so easy so why many people can't configure his/her RAT.

Problem and Solution

Static/Dynamic IP Problem
Normally every user has a Dynamic IP address so if you have a dynamic IP then every time when you reconnect your Internet it changes automatically. So if it changes after every next connection than how your RAT Server create connection with Your IP address.
We can solve this problem with help of "no-ip" no-ip is a free and best service it change our Dynamic IP To Static IP.

How to setup NO-IP
1a. Create a free no-ip account.
1b. Login on Your Account.
1c. Create a new Host. (You can see this feature on your no-ip Homepage). In First box put "any name" and select "" (You can also choose any but this works great) leaves all other box default.
1d. Click on create host. Your Host Created. (It’ll be use as static IP)

How NO-IP Works (How it is use as static IP)
2a. You have to download and Install NO-IP DUC. (You Can Find it free from NO-IP Website)
2b. When NO-IP DUC run it updates your host file IP address with your current IP Address and it update your Host files every five minutes. (Only you need to select host files witch address you want to update)

Configure IP Address on your RAT
1a. When You created a host on no ip remember it
1b. Suppose i create a host on no-ip with name "XYZ" and i had selected "" so my full address is "" So use your "" on your rat IP/Host address place. And select any port such as "1604"

Port Configuration
You have to forward (Open) the same Port witch you use to create Server.

If you have Router
1a. Go to ""
1b. Select Your Router and it'll show you how to configure port forwarding on your Router
1c. To Check for your forwarded port go to "" and select Port Number.

If you Don't have Router
1a. Many people don't have any Router so they can use "Paid VPN" in place of Router.
1b. "Paid VPN" Why i said these word. Almost every VPN’s are not giving port forwarding service in free if you can find any Free VPN with port forwarding service you can use that
1c. After Installing Pain VPN such as "nVPN" run it and your ports are open now.
1d. To Check for your forwarded port go to "" and select Port Number.

You Are Done Now a Quick Overview is Below
Quick Overview

1. Create a no-ip host remember its address it look like this ""
2. Run no-ip DUC for IP address Updating and select your Host in DUC.
3. Run Your RAT Generate/Random Mutex 5-6 time (And customize your RAT with your setting)
4. Put your "" in place of IP/Host address. And select any port such as "1604"
5. If you Use port 1604 than forward the same Port on Your Router or Only Run Your VPN
   (To Confirm for open port go to "" and enter your Port Number If all done correctly it says your Port is Open)
6. Create your server and run them on any other PC to check (In Sandboxie it'll work fine either if your Port is block)


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